Zhang Jun: The exploration and practice of high-level universities leading the transformation of primary and secondary school teachers

摘  要:In the new era of more than ten years, China's primary and secondary school teacher team construction and student training has made remarkable achievements, but there are also problems such as insufficient supply of high-quality primary and secondary school teachers, the "pre-training" of top-notch innovative talents, and the integration of top-notch innovative talents training system needs to be improved。The implementation of the "National excellent plan" is of great value for following the law of talent training, breaking the dependence on the path of talent training, and optimizing the system of talent training in primary and secondary schools。High-level universities should give full play to their own characteristics and advantages,The courage to assume the mission responsibility of the "National Excellence Plan",The main efforts should be made in the following four aspects: forging thought power,Cultivate students' ideal and belief in fertile soil,Create a value-leading ecology;Forging knowledge power,Enrich students' interdisciplinary knowledge,Create discipline incubation ecology;Forging lead,Enhance students' innovative practice ability,Create an innovative cultural ecology;Forging action force,To stimulate students' potential for teaching and learning,Create a policy environment。

Key words:High-level university;Primary and secondary school teachers;Top innovative talents;National excellence program

At present, the world is still in the midst of major development, major changes and major adjustments, and the new global competition pattern is accelerating its restructuring, which poses a severe test to China's self-training of talents and self-reliance in science and technology。The complicated internal and external situation and tasks, the mission of The Times of building a strong country and national rejuvenation, ultimately settled on the quality of talent training in our country's educational cause, especially the quality of top-of-the-line innovative talent training。2023年9月,Ministry of Education launches National Excellence plan,We will organize high-level colleges and universities to pool their efforts to train high-quality primary and secondary school teachers,It is a useful attempt to lead and promote the transformation of the construction of primary and secondary school teachers,It is also an innovative measure to promote the integration of large and small enterprises and train top-notch innovative talents,It has important theoretical and practical significance。

1. Current situation and problems of teacher team construction and student training in primary and secondary schools

2020年,The OECD Study on the Quality of Education in China: Benchmarking the Performance of China's Education System is based on PISA 2018 test results,The achievements of the construction of China's primary and secondary education system are positively affirmed,China has established a world-class primary and secondary education system,To accommodate its remarkable economic and social development.",And emphasize,"China is one of the top performing education systems in PISA,Has prioritized the development of a strong teaching workforce in its policy agenda."。According to the relevant data of the Ministry of Education, in 2022, there will be 18.44 million full-time teachers at all levels and all types of education in China, of which basic education teachers account for more than 80%。New era for more than ten years,Remarkable achievements have been made in the construction of teachers and the training of students in primary and secondary schools,But compared with the developed countries in the world,Compared with the goal of building a powerful country in education,Compared to the standard of quality students required for high-quality higher education,There is still a gap in the development of the primary and secondary education system,The efficiency of teacher team construction and the level of student training ability need to be continuously improved。

(1) From the perspective of the supply side of the teacher team, there is still a gap in the ability to cultivate and transport high-quality primary and secondary school teachers

At present, there are more than 700 teachers' majors in China, with a large number, but there are very few teachers trained by high-level colleges, especially high-level comprehensive universities and high-level science and technology universities for primary and secondary schools。Statistics show that among the 42 world-class universities in the country, "only 2 normal universities and 3 comprehensive universities undertake the training of undergraduate normal students";Among the 95 world-class universities in discipline construction, "only 8 normal universities and 12 comprehensive universities undertake the training of undergraduate normal students"。The training volume of normal university students is not small, but the discipline structure and training level of normal colleges need to be optimized, and the output of excellent teachers in high-level science education and engineering and technology education is insufficient。Some studies have proposed that the proportion of college graduates in the original "985 Project" and "211 Project" among primary and secondary school teachers is about 10%, and the proportion is relatively large from provincial ordinary undergraduate and tertiary institutions.The learning background of primary and secondary school teachers is relatively simple, "the proportion of primary school science teachers with science background is only 27..5%”。In order to solve the problem of training high-quality teachers in primary and secondary schools, we must speed up attracting more and more high-level universities to participate in it。

(2) From the perspective of the supply side of student training, there are still shortcomings in the "pre-training" ability of top-notch innovative talents

The assessment of creative thinking has been added to PISA 2022, and the cultivation of creative thinking for primary and secondary school students has become an international consensus。Since the reform and opening up,China has carried out a series of practical explorations on the cultivation of top innovative talents for exceptional young people,Such as the University of Science and Technology of China "young class", Beijing No. 8 Middle school "children's class" and so on,But the exploration area is narrow and the quantity is small.For primary and secondary school students, a wide range of inquiry, critical thinking and creativity training,And there are limits to achieving excellence through collaboration rather than competition。Up to now, the main focus of the cultivation of top innovative talents in China is still focused on the field of higher education, and the "leading" role of primary and secondary education in cultivating innovative spirit and innovative ability is still insufficient。The implementation of whole-person education and general education in primary and secondary schools is insufficient;Comprehensive cultivation of morality, intelligence, body, the United States and labor, value, knowledge, ability, and culture are shaping the support for the training of top innovative talents is weak, and the war of exam-oriented education has not yet resolved。An important reason for these problems is the lack of high-quality professional teachers. For example, in 2021, the proportion of graduate education of full-time teachers in ordinary high schools in China is only 12.The proportion of full-time teachers in junior high school and primary school with postgraduate degree is even lower, while the average proportion of junior high school teachers in OECD countries with postgraduate degree has exceeded 45%。

(3) From the perspective of institutional mechanism construction, the training system of top-notch innovative talents in the integration of large and small schools needs to be improved

The cultivation logic of the integration of large and small schools conforms to the law of cognitive development of pedagogy and psychology as well as the general law of Marxist epistemology。From the current situation,There is a phenomenon of "teaching each other" in the cultivation of top innovative talents in Chinese universities and middle schools,In the personnel training objectives and tasks, core content, methods and means, the construction of teachers and the organization and implementation of education and teaching activities,Systematic demonstration and overall planning are not enough;Focus on top innovative talent training requirements,It is urgent to improve the education consciousness, education model and education system mechanism to promote the integration of large and small。Especially in science education and engineering education, the talent advantages and resource advantages of high-level universities have not yet formed a radiation driving effect for primary and secondary schools, and have not been effectively transformed into the training ability of high-quality primary and secondary school backbone teachers in specific disciplines。Giving full play to the special advantages of China's socialist education governance system, and promoting the joint commitment of teachers in universities and primary and secondary schools to cultivate students' innovative and creative values, knowledge concepts, and learning concepts need to be strengthened。

Second, the theoretical and practical value of implementing the "National Excellence Plan"

Break through the limitations of normal colleges,The state supports high-level universities represented by "double first-class" construction universities to undertake the "National excellence Plan",Strengthen the best to cultivate the best,Let excellence lead excellence,We will improve the teacher education system with Chinese characteristics,Both the clear problem orientation,It also has scientific theoretical and practical basis。The three key words of the UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education in May 2022, "beyond the boundaries", "new path" and "reshaping", provide an important perspective for us to deeply understand and grasp the value of the "National excellence Program"。

(1) Beyond boundaries: Follow the law of talent growth to do education

Some researchers have divided the growth process of top-notch innovative talents into five stages: "self-exploration period, concentrated training period, talent disclosure and field orientation period, creation period, and creation period.。This is also an objective development process from personal interest to internal motivation, and with the growth and development of people at different ages, different learning stages。It can be seen that the cultivation of top-notch innovative talents is not only the responsibility of higher education stage, but also through different growth periods and different learning stages of universities, middle schools and children。It is also based on this, "the United Kingdom, the United States, Japan and South Korea and other countries attach importance to the support of science education and the construction of an ecological system, which provides a strong guarantee for the development of science education for large, middle and small children."。The primary goal of implementing the "National Excellence Plan" is to go beyond boundaries and follow the rules of education,Transcends division boundaries, discipline boundaries, and school boundaries,Break down knowledge barriers, institutional barriers and resource barriers,Broaden the cognitive vision, innovative vision and international vision,Better construct the "five-dimensional education" that integrates three dimensional space, time dimension and knowledge dimension,To provide all-round services for students' knowledge acquisition, knowledge internalization and knowledge value-added,Establish a new model of whole-person education, lifelong education, innovative education and open education。

(2) Reform path: Break the path dependence of talent training

At present, with education, science and technology, and talents increasingly becoming the "main battlefield" of the great power game, countries around the world attach great importance to the training of top-notch innovative talents and continue to promote "further extension to the field of basic education".。The "National Excellence Program" supports high-level universities to select students with excellent academic performance and who are happy to teach for postgraduate study,Provide schools with excellent teachers in specific subject areas,Break the path dependence of the original teacher training system,Break the path dependence of relatively rigid machinery to train innovative talents,It will also further break the path dependence of "only score" and "only examination" inertia in primary and secondary schools。Start with the supply-side structural reform of primary and secondary education,The implementation of the "national excellence Plan" emphasizes both supply and demand,It not only emphasizes the promotion of educational productivity under the existing resource boundary but also emphasizes the optimization of educational production relations,It not only emphasizes the main role of teachers but also strives to better stimulate the potential of students themselves.Through the system mechanism design,Strive to build a diversified, complex and leading teacher training system,Strive to shape the early training, wide caliber, broad vision of science and education integration education system,We will strive to promote the formation of a growth guidance system that returns to the essence of education and respects people's aspirations and potential,It provides a greater possibility for students to grow and teachers to achieve valuable achievements under the atmosphere of top-notch innovative talents cultivation。

(3) Remodeling plan: remodeling the primary and secondary education and teaching system

There is a strong coupling interaction between social development, educational development and teacher development。A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution accelerated,Global scientific and technological innovation has entered a period of unprecedented activity,The application of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and cloud computing will certainly reshape the new form of education in the future,It poses new challenges to education supply, education management and teacher development,It also brings new opportunities for development,This is the strategic window period for our primary and secondary education to realize the fundamental transformation from big to strong。The implementation of the "National Excellence Plan" will reconstruct the cultural map of knowledge, ability and quality of primary and secondary school teachers and students, reshape the training system of top-ranking innovative talents in the integration of large and small schools, and comprehensively promote the systematic construction, integration and coordination of training contents, training paths and training methods。In the training content,Promote a better grasp of the essence of whole-person education,For future teachers and future students,Strengthen the function of "strong foundation and solid foundation" for the all-round development of people,Cultivate sound personality and enrich cultural heritage;On the cultivation path,Promote the opening of large, medium and small integrated personnel training channels,We will strengthen the interaction between theory and practice and between disciplines and science,Build a new paradigm of training top-notch innovative talents that is more green, open, shared, and sustainable,To maximize the benefits of quality educational resources;In the training mode,Promote the use of new technologies for empowerment,Create a new learning ecology,Improve new learning styles,Build a new intelligent learning system guided by education digital strategy。

Third, high-level universities assume the mission responsibility of the "National Excellence Plan"

The implementation of the "national excellent plan" is not only inevitable, but also scientific and feasible。Compared with normal colleges, the high-level universities represented by the "double first-class" construction colleges have the characteristics and advantages of running schools that meet the requirements of the reform and expansion of primary and secondary school teachers。

Taking Beijing Institute of Technology as an example, as the first science and engineering university founded by the Communist Party of China and the first national defense industry college in New China, the school has stepped out of the "red education road", "strong military to serve the country" and "innovative development road" in the course of more than 80 years, laying a solid and superior foundation for the implementation of the "National Excellence Plan"。First, outstanding advantages in personnel training。The school adheres to the "global +" (" iSPACE+X ") plan and strives to build an all-humanized talent training system from the perspective of wisdom education, and the overall student quality ranks among the top of the "double first-class" universities in the country。Second, the discipline construction has distinct characteristics, and gradually forms a pattern of collaborative development of engineering, science, management, literature and medicine, which is promoted by advantages and characteristics, tradition and new, application and foundation, and synthesis and cross。Third, science and technology services "the country's largest"。Facing the major needs of the country, it undertakes major projects and major projects, demonstrating the mission of building a national strategic scientific and technological force, and has obvious advantages in basic frontier directions such as quantum information, integrated circuits, intelligent manufacturing, and special materials。Fourth, deep integration of industry, university and research。Firmly promote innovation-driven development, open up a road of integrated development of production, university, research and application, vigorously promote major scene innovation and major application innovation, and form the "BEIT model" of scientific and technological achievements transformation.。These foundations provide unique advantages for the school to send high-quality science course teachers at the postgraduate level to primary and secondary schools。In the process of implementing the "National Excellence Plan", the school focuses on creating "four ecology".。

(1) Cultivate ideological power, enrich students' ideal and belief soil, and create a value-leading ecology

After the students trained by the "National Excellence Program" enter the workplace in the future, they will not only undertake the responsibility of carrying out general science education and engineering education for students, but also undertake the heavy responsibility of exploring the growth potential of top-notch innovative talents and developing basic scientific and technological innovation ability。Therefore, the cultivation of students' ideological and political quality, the shaping of their "big Mr." character, especially the shaping of the feelings of family and country, education is particularly important。Beijing Institute of Technology is implementing the "National Excellence Plan",坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想铸魂育人、启智润心,Guided by core socialist values,The ideological and political work runs through all aspects and the whole process of talent training under the "National Excellent Plan",Strive to create a value leading ecology that cultivates firmly ideal belief and noble moral sentiment;Further play the "Yanhe Alliance" comprehensive education advantage and the school "Yanan root, military soul" red gene education function,Persist in educating students with typical deeds such as "three generations of weapons", "three generations of radar" and "three generations of vehicles",Lay a good foundation for students' thinking,Put your ideals and beliefs on the "master switch",It lays a solid foundation for cultivating "National Excellence Program" students as "Four good teachers"。

(2) Forge knowledge, enrich students' interdisciplinary heritage, and create a discipline incubation ecology

The school is implementing the "National Excellence Plan",Adhering to the "excellent fine extension" discipline construction concept,Give full play to the school's "top engineering, high-quality science, fine arts, emerging medical" synergistic strength advantages,The multi-mode and multidisciplinary cross-training system of "mathematics + science + education", "physics + science + education" and "engineering + education" science teachers has been comprehensively constructed,Support "National Excellence Program" graduate students to receive systematic interdisciplinary learning ability training and exploration;Strengthen the joint training of doctoral and master of education programs and science and engineering,Oriented to professional and compound personnel training requirements,To carry out the design of specialties, courses, teaching materials, educational teaching content and curriculum practice in order and pertinence,Through this research integration through,To cultivate basic education talents with solid scientific and technological foundation, outstanding educational ability, excellent professional quality and keen innovative thinking。

(3) Forge leading force, enhance students' ability to innovate and practice, and create an innovative cultural ecology

The training of high-quality professional and innovative primary and secondary school teachers is inseparable from the support of first-class discipline foundation and the edification of first-class innovation culture。The school is implementing the "National Excellence Plan",It will create an all-round innovative cultural ecology that infiltrates the hearts of the people,We plan to carry out excellent traditional Chinese culture education, advanced socialist culture education, and exchanges and mutual learning among world civilizations for the graduate students of the "National Excellence Program",Cultivate students' cultural heritage,Broaden international horizons and international comparative advantages;Continue to carry out spiritual education for scientists,Educate and guide students to carry forward and practice the scientist spirit of "patriotism, innovation, truth-seeking, dedication, collaboration and education",Cultivate students' scientific character;Establish a long-term mechanism for large-scale scientific research to nurture people,The "big team", "big platform", "big project" and "big results" will be built into a strong engine to cultivate students' innovation and creativity,We will strengthen the ranks of primary and secondary school teachers with high-level talents who have mastered cutting-edge and advanced science and technology such as big data, artificial intelligence and robotics,Enable future "leading" talent growth。

(4) Forge action power, stimulate students' potential for music and education, and create a policy environment and ecology

The organization and implementation of the "National excellent Plan" is a systematic project. Only by perfecting the closed-loop dynamic policy support system can we create a good policy environment for students' happy education and suitable education。In the implementation of the "National Excellence Plan", the school will focus on promoting the "World +" (iSPACE+X) 2.0改革,It focuses on thought leadership, professional expertise, educational pedagogy, innovation and entrepreneurship practice, curriculum system, immersive education and motivation,We will design targeted supporting policies,Support and encourage teachers to actively participate in the training of "National Excellence Plan";Strengthen cooperation and exchanges with normal colleges and universities,Make full use of the high-quality education resources of normal universities,Building a community of education,Improve the education level of science and engineering students;Strengthen cooperation and interaction with excellent secondary schools,Establish a number of practice and training bases,Exercise students' educational practice ability。Through continuous improvement and improvement of science education, engineering education and practical education training systems, strengthening multi-party collaboration, providing high-quality resources, and signing employment agreements with primary and secondary schools in advance, we will further improve the collaborative promotion ability of top-notch innovative talent training, and implement the tasks of the "National Excellence Plan"。

(Zhang Jun, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Professor, Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Institute of Technology, Vice President of the Chinese Association of Higher Education)