[One of the series reports on the Practice of educator's spirit] "Force" builds the dream of a strong country and cultivates talents

-- Beijing Institute of Technology "National University Huang Danian Teachers Team"

【冰球突破】习近平总书记指出,On a new journey,It is hoped that teachers all over the country will follow the example of educators,Vigorously promote the "heart has a big me, the ideal and faith of serving the country.,The moral sentiment of words is the rule of scholars and behavior of the world,Enlightening the mind and educating people according to their aptitude,Diligent in learning and practice, seeking truth and innovation of the cultivation attitude,Love to teach love to live, willing to give the heart of love,Mind the world, the pursuit of the grand way of cultural people "educator spirit,Keep in mind the original mission of educating people for the Party and educating talents for the country,Establish the ambition and ambition of "cultivating the education altar and strengthening the country",Self-confidence, 踔厉 work hard,We will make new and greater contributions to the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation。

To promote the spirit of educators,The Propaganda Department of the Party Committee specially launched a series of Reports on Practicing the Spirit of Educators,To show that the excellent teachers of BTECH earnestly implement the educational policy of the Party,Teaching people, Bacon cast a vivid story of the soul,Inspire and encourage all teachers to train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor,Create more people who can be useful and can shoulder heavy responsibilities to contribute。

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Team photo

“It is an essential task for aerospace engineers,to design their products based on structural dynamics……”

In a classroom at the Zhongguancun campus of the Beijing Institute of Technology, Hu Haiyan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of the School of Astronautics, is teaching an all-English course "Fundamentals of Structural Dynamics" to undergraduates.。Self-made teaching materials, self-made teaching AIDS, teaching in English......For an elective course for small classes, many teachers of Academician Hu Haiyan's team have spent several years in deep cultivation, excellence, education wisdom, and self-cultivation attitude。

In September 2023, the Beijing Institute of Technology Aircraft Dynamics and Control teacher team led by Academician Hu Haiyan was selected as the third "National University Huang Danian Teacher Team".。Over the years,The team focuses on the goal of "training engineering scientists",Actively carry out education and teaching reform;Uphold the belief of "science and technology for the country",The exploratory research is carried out closely around the key core technical problems in the field of aircraft dynamics and control in China,Successfully broke through a number of core technologies,The dynamics and control technology of our country have been developed by leaps and bounds,It has made significant contributions to serving the country's major strategic needs and economic and social development。

Cultivate the altar personally,My favorite name is "Teacher Hu".

"President Hu", "Academician Hu", "Professor Hu", "Teacher Hu"...For many years, the outside world has many names for Hu Haiyan。But for him, the most favorite is "Teacher Hu"。After graduating with a doctorate in 1988, Hu became a people's teacher。Teach and educate people。Although he served as the president of the Beijing Institute of Technology, the president of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and was elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he never forgot the original intention of educating people。

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Academician Hu Haiyan, leader of the flight vehicle dynamics and control faculty team

When young people thrive, a country prospers, and China's development depends on the commitment of young people。With the improvement of national comprehensive strength and the advancement of modernization process, how to train top-notch innovative talents? Answer "Qian Xuesen's Question"?Hu Haiyan has been thinking and writing the answer sheet of The Times with innovative practice。

"In the global political and economic game, scientific and technological competition, cultural inheritance and innovation, outstanding talents cultivated by world-class universities often play a leading and decisive role.。In Hu Haiyan's view, graduates of high-level university mechanics majors should be future engineering scientists and research engineers。The knowledge structure of mechanics researchers should be both broad and thick, with a solid theoretical foundation and innovative ability to solve practical problems。In 2017, under the vigorous promotion of Hu Haiyan, the "Engineering Science Pilot Class" cultivated in accordance with the "interdisciplinary and undergraduate master and doctoral" was officially opened, aiming at the urgent need of the national space field to train top-notch innovative talents。

"The training target of the pilot class is future engineering scientists。We have organically integrated the courses of aircraft design and engineering mechanics, set up six through courses, and re-wrote the teaching materials, so that students' knowledge structure can be integrated, practical ability can be more comprehensively cultivated and innovative thinking can be trained。Professor Hu Gengkai and Professor Liu Li, members of the team deeply involved in the construction of the pilot class, explained。The pilot class starts with top-level design, optimizes students' knowledge structure and innovation elements, and cultivates students' strategic thinking, knowledge structure and innovation ability in the integration of science and technology by offering high-level basic courses, interdisciplinary courses and entering the laboratory in the junior year。What is more commendable is that both the training program design and curriculum arrangement of the pilot class were designed by Hu Haiyan himself. He also stepped on the platform to teach students the introduction course, so that students could have a dialogue with the master at the beginning of enrollment and have an in-depth understanding of engineering science and its future development。

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"If Chinese universities want to enter the world class, they must publish first-class textbooks that affect the world.。Such materials may require the efforts of several generations of teachers。Textbook is the carrier of knowledge, but also the guiding light of students' growth。Over the years, Hu Haiyan has been writing textbooks. He is the author of the Chinese and English version of the graduate textbook "Vibration Mechanics - Research Course", the undergraduate textbook "Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibration" (2nd edition), and is currently writing the introductory textbook "Engineering Problems in Mechanics" for senior undergraduate and graduate students.。He said that as an old teacher, it is his responsibility to lay this "cornerstone", and he also hopes that these textbooks will be continuously improved after teaching practice, laying the foundation for young teachers to write world-class textbooks。

In the course of textbook writing, Hu Haiyan repeatedly discussed and deliberated on every case and illustration, from frame design to content writing。In order to make undergraduates understand a definition, a concept, and a picture, he will think repeatedly, write programs and calculate repeatedly。What is the position of the origin of the coordinates in the figure that will not cause misunderstanding among students? Will the definition of each symbol be repeated before and after, and he must revise it in detail。This spirit of scientific rigor and excellence has become a "living textbook" for every member of the team and a spiritual force that affects the entire team。

Teachers, preach and teach to solve doubts。As a teacher, Hu Haiyan always keeps in mind that teaching is the first, and regards teaching and educating people as a lifelong career pursuit。In the past 35 years, no matter what changes have been made in his position, no matter how heavy the scientific research work is, he has never left the three-foot platform and never stopped teaching。Under his guidance and inspiration, the team adhered to the original mission of "educating people for the Party and talents for the country" and cultivated a large number of outstanding talents in the space field。The team has won 2 national education and teaching achievement awards,1 national first-class undergraduate course,1 national curriculum virtual teaching and research room;Won the first prize of the national College self-made experimental teaching equipment competition;He guided his students to win the ABU Dhabi International Drone Autonomous Control Challenge twice,Won the Grand prize of the World University Cube Star Challenge China Final,And a number of national innovation competition awards such as metamaterial Mechanics competition and mechanical Innovation Design competition。

With country in mind,"Force" build the dream of science and technology power

"Mechanics, as a basic discipline, should closely combine with the major strategic needs of the country, deeply cross integrate with engineering, and play a leading role in the field of engineering application.。National strategic needs and technical elements are one of the main driving forces for the development of current disciplines and frontier fields。Over the years, Hu Haiyan has been committed to promoting the deep integration of mechanics and aerospace disciplines, generating new discipline growth points, and promoting the evolution of the discipline frontier. At the same time, he has produced a series of innovative achievements for the major national strategic needs and the development of the aerospace field, and constantly expanded the breadth and depth of serving the national innovation-driven development strategy。

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Hu Haiyan guides teachers and students to do experiments in the laboratory

In September 2015, China's first communication technology test satellite carrying a large ring truss antenna was launched into orbit, and the antenna was successfully deployed and in good working condition, becoming a new milestone in the development of China's space structure technology。The successful application of this project, known as the "Sky Net", fully reflects Hu Haiyan's leading promotion and advanced planning of the scientific frontier。

Professor Tian Qiang, a member of the team, recalled that Professor Hu always stressed the need to carry out innovative research around the forefront of science and technology。At the beginning of the project, he proposed the research direction of spatial structure development dynamics and control, which laid a solid foundation for the smooth implementation of the project。Over the years,The team carries out a wide range of innovative research in the field of spatial large-scale structure technology,A new theory of dynamic modeling and calculation for flexible multi-body systems is presented,Developed a large flexible space structure dynamics software with independent intellectual property rights, the world's leading,It can be applied to the design and analysis of many large satellite-borne satellite antennas,It promotes the cross-generation development of large satellite antenna in China,At the same time, it also inserts the wings of "flying" for the development of basic disciplines。  

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Hu Haiyan and team teachers

"Mechanics, as the backbone of engineering science, needs to lead and serve the major strategic needs of the country and become the driving force for building an innovative country in China.。Hu Haiyan's thinking on the integration and development of mechanics and aerospace disciplines has a deep impact on team members Professor Qiao Dong and Professor Single Jiayuan。

Qiao Dong recalled that in 2017, the research of in-orbit service in China has just started, and it is also a frontier field in the world。Facing the needs of the country, Hu Haiyan is duty-bound to gather the most advantageous strength of the school to carry out technical discussions together。"In the field of on-orbit services, to what extent have foreign on-orbit services developed?What major problems still need to be solved?What are our thoughts and approaches?How to guarantee advanced nature?Rigorous demonstration, so that the entire research goal is clear, in the targeted at the same time, but also for the team to overcome this scientific problem to enhance confidence, morale, and these questions have become the team after the on-orbit service research has been thinking and answering questions。

"In our team, both do basic research, but also do engineering applications, although the direction is different, but everyone's common goal is to serve the national space industry.。Academician Hu Haiyan's spirit of serving the country with great heart and sincerity has become a strong spiritual guide for the team to serve the country and overcome difficulties。"Team member, the Academy of Astronautics Party secretary Professor Long Teng said。

In recent years,The team undertook more than 60 national projects,It was approved as the first major project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China in the field of aerospace dynamics,He won the first prize of National Science and Technology Progress, the second prize of National Science and Technology Progress, the second prize of National Technology invention, the second prize of two national key fields of technology invention, and the second prize of science and technology progress of the Ministry of Education。

The leader guides,To promote the innovative development of mechanics in China

The report to the Party's 20th National Congress stressed that education, science and technology, and human resources are the basic and strategic support for comprehensively building a modern socialist country。Closely following the national strategic needs, studying the general trend of scientific and technological development, planning strategies, planning directions, and identifying the path and direction of disciplinary development are of great strategic significance to the realization of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and are also bound by the spirit of seeking truth, innovation, and bearing in mind the world。

In May 2023, the book "2035 Development Strategy of Chinese Mechanics" was officially published after four years of brewing, discussion, writing and revision。Facing the year 2035, the book discusses the development trend of the international mechanics discipline and the development strategy of building China into a world mechanics power, and puts forward the priority development fields and policy suggestions of China's mechanics。As the head of the development strategy research group of Chinese mechanics discipline, Hu Haiyan has made great contributions。

"The writing of the book embodies the efforts and wisdom of a group of famous mechanics, including Teacher Hu, and has important strategic guiding significance for the development of the field of mechanics in China.。As a leader in the field of mechanics, Mr. Hu not only continuously produces high-level scientific research achievements, but also strives to promote the development of the discipline of mechanics in China, and the content of this book fully reflects his far-reaching consideration of the field of mechanics in China。Tian Qiang, a team member and one of the book writers, said。

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The world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, of which scientific and technological innovation is a key variable。In Hu Haiyan's view, another core mission of the development of mechanics is to aim at and open up the frontier of international development of the discipline, comprehensively improve research capabilities, reach the world's leading level in the main directions, and constantly improve the international status and influence of China's mechanics discipline。

In May 2022, Hu Haiyan was elected as a foreign academician of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, becoming the second foreign academician of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in China, and the only foreign academician co-elected by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in the field of engineering Sciences in 2022。In May 2023, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers awarded Hu Haiyan the 2023 ASME Thomas Cowie Dynamics Award for his outstanding achievements in the field of nonlinear dynamics of controlled mechanical systems, the first time the award has been awarded to an Asian scholar。

In addition, under the active promotion of Hu Haiyan, the team organized international conferences and actively integrated into the global innovation system。In June 2018, the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Sonic/Elastic Wave metamaterial Design and Application Symposium was held in Beijing Institute of Technology。Thirty experts and scholars from China, the United States and the United Kingdom were invited to give academic reports。The meeting was chaired by team member Professor Hu Genkai and Professor Andrew Norris from Rutgers University, USA。

The International Union for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics is the highest international academic organization for mechanics research. The competition to host the symposium of this organization is very fierce. On the one hand, it requires the recommendation and participation of world-class scholars related to the theme of the conference, and on the other hand, it also requires the bidding unit to make influential academic achievements in related fields。The successful convening of the conference fully reflects the outstanding contribution of the team in the field of mechanics, and also builds a platform for exchanges and cooperation for scholars at home and abroad, and enhances the academic influence and discourse power of Chinese mechanics in the international community。

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International Union for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Acoustic/Elastic Wave metamaterial Design and Application Symposium

"Mr. Hu's strategic vision and global vision have pointed out a new path for the team's scientific research exchange and cooperation, and have given us a lot of inspiration.。In July 2017, the "Beijing Institute of Technology - Khalifa University of Science and Technology International Joint Laboratory" construction agreement was officially signed by Professor Lin Defu, a member of the team, and the two sides carried out all-round cooperation in science and technology, talent, education and other aspects。Lindefu said that our goal is to build a world-class scientific and technological innovation platform in the field of intelligent unmanned technology, and contribute the wisdom and Chinese strength of BTU to the development of world science and technology。

The heart of the great self, sincere service to the country。"Facing the major needs of the country and the world's scientific and technological frontiers, we have the courage to discover, propose and solve major problems, and use our knowledge and wisdom to serve the motherland and benefit mankind.。Over the years, the flight vehicle dynamics and control faculty team led by Academician Hu Haiyan has always pursued to serve the country as the first value, and has left a string of shining achievements in the journey of building a world-class university with Chinese characteristics. In the bright space, the name of Beitech has shone。